12-Week Group Program

Winter 2022 Cohort

The 12-Week Group Music-Integrated Therapy certification program can transform your clinical work! You will learn how to bring the benefits of music to your practice using a client-centered, creative, and personal approach!

The Winter 2022 Cohort is Now Underway!

Considering the Group Program? Add your email to the mailing list to be notified about the next Music-Integrated Therapy Group Training Program:

Let's transform your practice!

It’s comprehensive training for mental health practitioners who desire a group learning environment and engagement with your cohort. You’ll attend weekly group instructional meetings where you’ll experience clinical-musical work first-hand, ask questions that pertain specifically to your practice, and learn from others’ experiences.

What's included?

As part of the Music-Integrated Therapy Group training, you'll receive proven educational materials and supports, including:

  • 12 Weekly 90-Minute Group Instructional Sessions with Dr. Seabrook

  • 12 In-Depth Workbooks PLUS Additional Resources and Bonus Workbooks

  • Exclusive online community to engage with your cohort and deepen your learning

  • Maximum group size of 8, allowing for personalized attention

  • Customized curriculum for your clinical-musical method

  • SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICING for the Winter 2022 Group

Do I need musical training?

Not at all! The Group Music-Integrated Therapy Training program meets you musically, wherever you are.

Whether you're someone who's never picked up a musical instrument, a highly trained musician, or anywhere in between, you will learn to integrate music into your sessions in a way that is congruent with your unique musicality and strengths.

How Does It Work?

Simply pick the track that you’ll be studying:

If you have previous musical training >>

You will learn to integrate one of music listening, composition/songwriting, improvisation, or music re-creation.

If you have no previous musical training >>

You will integrate clinical music listening experiences into your work. Depending on you and your clients, this includes one or more of: guided imagery to music; creating therapeutic playlists; musical life-review; exploring topics through familiar songs; and self-expression through found music.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Your Group Music-Integrated Therapy Training Program!

  • 2

    Module 1: Your Music, Health, and Well-Being Blueprint

    • Module 1: Your Music, Health and Well-Being Blueprint - WORKBOOK ONE

    • Live MIT Group Session 1 - January 18 - 10:00amPST

    • Module 1: Your Music, Health and Well-Being Blueprint - WORKBOOK TWO. *Download and/or Print*

    • Live MIT Group Session 2 - January 25 - 10:00amPST

    • Module 1: Your Music, Health and Well-Being Blueprint - WORKBOOK THREE *Download and/or Print*

    • Module 1: Your Music, Health and Well-Being Blueprint - MUSICAL WELLNESS PLAN *Download and/or Print*

    • Musicking Guidelines

    • Live MIT Group Session 3 - February 1 - 10:00amPST

    • Learning Review 1: Your Music, Health, and Well-Being Blueprint

  • 3

    Individual Training Sessions

    • Individual Training Session for Winter 2022 Cohort

  • 4

    Module 2: Music and Your Clinical Approach

    • Welcome to Module 2

    • Module 2: Music and Your Clinical Approach - WORKBOOK ONE *Download and/or Print*

    • Module 2: Music and Your Clinical Approach - WORKBOOK ONE RESOURCES

    • BONUS Scholarly Journal Resource

    • Live MIT Group Session 4 - February 8 - 10:00amPST

    • Module 2: Music and Your Clinical Approach - WORKBOOK TWO *Download and/or Print*

    • Live MIT Group Session 5 - February 15 - 10:00amPST

    • Poll: Breaks During Group Meetings

    • Module 2: Music and Your Clinical Approach - WORKBOOK THREE *Download and/or Print*

    • BONUS Resource: "Musical and Cultural Considerations for Building Rapport in Music Therapy Practice" by K. King

    • Live MIT Group Session 6 - February 22 - 10:00amPST

    • Learning Review 2: Music and Your Clinical Approach

  • 5

    Examples of the 4 Clinical-Musical Methods

    • Contextualizing the Examples

    • Listening: Example of Lyric Analysis

    • Improvisation: Example of Instrumental Improvisation

    • Re-Creation: Example of Group Re-Creation

    • Songwriting: Example of Composing Lyrics and Music

  • 6

    Module 3: Music and Your Clients

    • Mid-Course Check-In: Sharing Your Experience of the Group Instructional Sessions

    • Welcome to Module 3

    • Module 3: Music and Your Clients - WORKBOOK ONE *Download and/or Print*

    • Module 3: Music and Your Clients - CLINICAL-MUSICAL TEMPLATE *Download and/or Print*

    • Live MIT Group Session 7 - March 1 - 10:00amPST

    • Module 3: Music and Your Clients - WORKBOOK TWO *Download and/or Print*

    • Live MIT Group Session 8 - March 8 - 10:00amPST

    • Module 3: Music and Your Clients - WORKBOOK THREE *Download and/or Print*

    • Choosing Your Clinical-Musical Method

    • Live MIT Group Session 9 - March 15 - 10:00amPST

    • Learning Review 3: Music and Your Clients

  • 7

    Module 4: Your Clinical-Musical Method

    • Welcome to Your Clinical-Musical Method

    • Live MIT Group Session 10 - March 22 - 10:00amPST

    • Live MIT Group Session 11 - March 29 - 10:00amPST

    • Live MIT Group Session 12 - April 5 - 10:00amPST

  • 8


    • Improvisation Masterclass: March 28, 4:00pmEST

    • Composition/Songwriting Masterclass: March 31, 3:00pmEST

  • 9

    Closing the Training and Looking Ahead

    • Conclusion Module *Download and/or Print*

    • Defining Music-Integrated Therapy Slides

    • Learning Review 4: Your Clinical-Musical Method

    • Congratulations and Feedback

Continuing Education

Both the Group and Individual Music-Integrated Therapy Training programs meet the criteria for CE credits across most mental health regulatory bodies and associations.

The Music-Integrated Therapy Training program is pre-approved by the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) for 12 Continuing Education Hours for their members.

Winter 2022 Cohort

Course Begins on January 9th, 2022

On January 9th, you'll gain access to your learning Introductory learning materials including: a Welcome Video, a Short Survey, your Introductory Module, and all you need to set up for a great course! You'll also gain access to your first Workbook about Your Music, Health and Well-Being Blueprint.

Group Meeting Times

Tuesdays - 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST

We'll meet for 90 minutes each week, including a short break.

First Instructional Session: January 18, 2022

Last Instructional Session: April 5, 2022

During the instructional sessions, you'll have an opportunity to engage in supported musical experiences, discuss learning material, share your work from the week, and ask your questions. I hope to see you there!

Dr. Deborah Seabrook, PhD MTA RCC

Hi, I'm Deborah (she/her)

When you work with me, you're receiving a unique blend of the highest standards of psychotherapy, clinical counselling, music therapy, and musicianship that I have been developing over the past 20 years. I am a Registered Psychotherapist in Ontario (#001849), a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (#17031), a Certified Music Therapist (#0334) with the Canadian Association of Music Therapists, and a recognized Climate Aware Therapist with the Climate Psychology Alliance of North America. My approach to training is informed by my ongoing experiences with the wonderful professionals and students I have had the fortune to work with. I have provided clinical supervision to over 150 university students, interns, and professionals and have taught music therapy extensively at universities across Canada - most recently at McGill University. I am currently a Music Therapy Research Fellow at Wilfrid Laurier University and Core Faculty in the Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology program at Yorkville University.

What People are Saying

A life changing experience!

by Faye A. Paris, Ph.D., RCC

"The only way I can describe my experience taking the Music-Integrated Therapy Training Program with Deborah Seabrook is to say it was a life changing therapeutic experience. It is a process that taps into the heart and mind. Not only did I receive basic knowledge of music therapy, but my image of myself musically changed. This is a powerful technique I can use to assist my clients in addressing their mental health needs."

Join the Group Program

Enroll in the Winter 2022 Cohort to Access Your Special Introductory Price of $997CAD. Regular Price $1247

Looking to Learn More before Applying?

Want to learn more about how you might benefit from integrating music into your clinical work? Book a 20-minute call with Deborah to get all your personal questions answered.

Curious about the Music-Integrated Therapy Group Training Program?

Add your email to the mailing list to be notified about the next Music-Integrated Therapy Group Training Program:

I acknowledge and respect the Lekwungen-speaking Peoples on whose traditional territories I work and play, and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ Peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.